If you have higher end items you can make really good money through consignment. This gives your clothes a second life and keeps them out of the landfills. For older clothing that may not be suitable for resale would be great for donation however how do you make certain that they are sustainably used? Here are curated places to donate and consign your clothing ethically so they don’t end up in the landfill. If you would like to list your Consignment, Thrift or Organization please to complete this form.
Where Should I Donate or Consign?
The Center for Hard to Recycle Materials (CHaRM) facility is a premier program of the nonprofit, Live Thrive. It is a permanent drop-off facility that aims to improve our environmental health by encouraging reuse and diverting thousands of pounds of household hazardous waste and other hard-to-recycle items from Metro-Atlanta landfills and water systems. CHaRM also accepts sorted single-stream items for those who do not have access. All operations expenses for CHaRM are paid from grants, donations and recycling fees. Book an appointment
eKlozet accepts gently used luxury and vintage clothing, accessories, shoes and jewelry. Brands include Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Christian Dior, Chanel, and more. They also partner with donation locations to donate to local charities mostly domestic violence and human trafficking shelters. To consign with eKlozet click here,
Gabrielle’s Place is a community center that provides women and children with safe and clean housing, integrated with relevant services that will prepare and promote safe return into society as a strong stable family unit that creates positive partnerships of hope through humanitarian efforts. They assist with providing clothing and food. To donate to Gabrielle’s place call (678) 832-3452